This NPC can be found in Netherlight Temple. 0. Despite the best efforts of the. He becomes available after completing the Spread the Word mission that awards. Heal — A slow casting spell that heals a single target for up to 11 hit points. At times I have been a leader of. In the NPCs category. 3 Build 24700. Netherlight Temple; Niskara;wow warcraft world of warcraft priest disc priest shadow priest holy priest discipline pvp raid mythic h2p how to priest netherlight temple bfa. Can be used while dead. Elana is a draenei located in the Hall of Balance in the Netherlight Temple. The Burning Legion later attacked the Exodar in order to destroy O'ros so that he could not unlock the knowledge contained within [Light's Heart], the core of the prime naaru Xe'ra, his ancestor. Of course Faol thought him being just insane until we finally decided to prepare. Sun Priests are tauren priests located inside the Windrunner's Sanctuary in Dalaran and in the Netherlight Temple. Alliance Horde. Get Wowhead. Storyline; Fulfilling the Prophecy. Proper Introductions - QuestWhere is Netherlight Temple's portal?Priest Hall Music from - Description Highlord, thank goodness you've arrived! The invasion of Netherlight Temple has begun. 1. You can confirm that the answers saying it is a spaceship is correct. 4 outside the Temple of Five Dawns, in The Wandering Isle. Players can exchange 100 [Order Resources] and receive a single [Seal of Broken Fate] from Truth once a week. It's a draenei altar that has been redesigned by Master Artificer Betild Deepanvil and empowered by Saa'ra. 2. Portal to Netherlight Temple The location of this object is unknown. 3 (2016-07-19. . This NPC can be found in Dalaran and Netherlight Temple. Can be used while mounted. How to Unlock the Netherlight Crucible [Return to Top] Netherlight Crucible will be available to players starting September 12. I also do not see 1/1 spark of light here, but I assume that this objective will be completed at Netherlight Temple under Saa'ra. Small bodies of water can be seen. As the Netherlight Temple resides within the Twisting Nether, Balnazzar became one of the few notable dreadlords to receive his permanent death during the Legion's third invasion. In the NPCs category. Complete the dungeon aka fight Odyn. Patch changes. Netherlight Temple Avenging Wrath — Damage and attack speed increased by 50%. A level 45 Quest. Quick Facts ; Screenshots ; Videos ; View in 3D Links. Straight ahead is a building ( you ignore this building ) , continue walking leftward up the stairs. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. Without her journal, we will never be able to recover her spirit. A choice will pop up. Abilities [] Sucking Void 40 yd range — Creates a vacuum, sucking in any nearby enemies and dealing Shadow damage to any who enter the sucking void. 我一直与茉艾拉·索瑞森合作,试图渗透暮光之锤。. Get Wowhead Premium. 2. Shadowblade of the League of Armed Forces. In the Other Consumables category. Netherlight Crucible introduced in Patch 7. Q: Will I be able to trade Relics with other players to see who gets the best options at the Crucible? A: No. Instead of killing Saraka, the draenei confined it in Netherlight Temple for research into the Void. Click here for information and the new URL. Where is pan the kind hand located? Pan the Kind Hand is a pandaren stable master located at the Jade Temple Grounds in the Jade Forest. Unexpected Guests - Quest - 10. Straight ahead is a building ( you ignore this building ) , continue walking leftward up the stairs. Always up to date with the latest patch. They later appeared in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore. Location: Netherlight Temple; Deliverance Point, Broken Shore; Vindicaar: Status: Alive: Priestesses of Elune are night elven priests located in Greyfang Enclave of Dalaran as well as in Netherlight Temple. R Graymane Enclave|QID|44448|M|39. 0, 63. for 15 sec. Scouting Map. Premium. In the Objects category. In the NPCs category. He is found kneeling in front the large shelf of candles and cannot be interacted with. 0 PTR 10. Natalie Seline is a level 45 NPC that can be found in Netherlight Temple. • • If you picked up the quest from the Netherlight Temple, you will need to step on the Dalaran transporter at 49. It was an arid planet, home to a thriving ecosystem and several sentient species, until it was destroyed by the void lord Dimensius the All-Devouring and his forces, forcing the ethereals into exodus in the Twisting Nether. Denounce — Casts down the enemy with a bolt of Holy Light, causing Holy damage and preventing the target from causing critical effects for 4 sec. Both side rooms will have a mini boss you will need to kill first. . Magni Bronzebeard is an Elite NPC that can be found in The Maelstrom, Netherlight Temple and Azsuna. To learn more about Artifacts and Class Halls, check out the Legion Q&A with Craig Amai from July 7. Yalia Sagewhisper in Azsuna. Stay up to date with all the latest news with Wowhead News Notifications! before-the-storm lore. Besides the orcs and draenei it was originally home to. [[ ♥ Support FinalBossTV: The Forge of the Guardian, the artifact forge for mages. If you stand at the entrance of the horde inn ( looking out of the door) you walk out, turn directly right and walk up the stairs. The Hall of Balance is a subzone of Netherlight Temple, it is the primary room of the class hall with several different areas in the hall housing different NPCs with different functions. Teerakai, Ohn. She was first encountered at Starfall Outpost in Shadowmoon Valley on Draenor, and later moved at the Netherlight Temple and in the Sanctum of Light beneath Light's Hope Chapel. Las mortificadoras últimas palabras de Turalyon aún resuenan en mi cabeza. 2. Of course. Monk: Temple of Five Dawns, which is located on the Wandering Isle; Paladin: Sanctum of Light, which is found beneath the Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands; Priest: Netherlight Temple, which seems to be a part of Karabor, a city in Shadowmoon Valley; Rogue: Chamber of Shadows, located in the Underbelly of Dalaran; Here's a quick look at the Priest Class Hall from a Disc priest's perspective. As Netherlight Temple is located deep in the Twisting. The Dreadscar armies were bound to the new Overlord, the First of the. Seers, Conclave, Armies of Legionfall. The Black Temple isn't clean enough (as it looked pretty much like the raid when we did the green fire questline), and having our class hall in alternate universe draenor would suck too ^^. Bay walks around the new Priest Class Hall. This NPC can be found in Netherlight Temple. Speak with Betild Deepanvil in Netherlight Temple. Contribute !. Everything about the Order Advancement tech tree from Class Halls, including a complete description of all abilities and benefits for different playstyles. 37,69. at the location of Netherlight Temple. Just as Balnazzar begins to summon in more demons, a dreadlord infused with the Light named Lothraxion , High Commander of the Grand Army of the Light arrives , sent by High Exarch Turalyon. Return to me at Netherlight Temple. Mysterious Stranger is a level 45 Elite NPC that can be found in Niskara. Shortly after your initial arrival in Oribos, you will be given a quest to speak with an acolyte of Bolvar’s Death Knights. Battlelord of Valarjar. Portal to Netherlight Temple The location of this object is unknown. Commentaire de odielag THERE IS A NEW DALARAN AND AN OLD DALARAN! I took the Dalaran portal from Orgrimmar and spent a long time wondering around where the portal should be, then someone let me know that I. Congregation Emanu-El is a Conservative synagogue located in. Flags. When Magni Bronzebeard called upon. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. If you look at the facebook 360 degree picture it states in the comment above it: "Netherlight Temple is home to a. Reaction. Always up to date with the latest patch. During the war against the Iron Horde,. $2. 16. On Friday, November 24, at 6 p. Related. 2. The Netherlight Temple Anduin stepped through a portal into a realm of wonder so beautiful, so Light-filled, his heart seemed to break even as it swelled with joy. Ishanah traveled to the Netherlight Temple to return Saa'ra to the Light and joins the Conclave there. 3,124. Netherlight Temple - Zones - WoWDB Maldraxxus Revendreth Anima Diversion (Map) Ardenweald Bastion Maldraxxus Revendreth Chromie Covenant Abilities Ardenweald. And Pally class Hall was def more Human/Dwarf than any of the other races that could be Pally, so that felt bad, too. Noticed that as a Death Knight I could not turn the quest in it did not even have a turn in location. Go in the door and turn right. Netherlight Temple: Aelthalyste: Comment by Zenanji Her mounted bugginess made completing Ley Race incredibly annoying, I had to turn my sound off. This NPC can be found in Netherlight Temple. Equipping Fu Zan, the Wanderer's Companion grants you the ability Exploding Keg, which throws an explosive keg at the target location, dealing massive damage and making enemies afflicted by it miss their melee attacks for the next few seconds. 0. Active. 0. According to the the quest, United as One (the paladin version), the Netherlight Temple is located deep within the Twisting Nether. When Balnazzar attacked Netherlight Temple, the Silver Hand was sent to help the priests. 3 The Annals of Light and Shadow - Volume VI /way Western. Effect #2. From this location, the Horde could launch an assault on either Silvermoon City or Stromgarde. Live PTR 10. 9 Black Rook Hold This involves killing the first boss of the dungeon, if you are level 110 you can queue for the dungeon via dungeon finder – normal is sufficient, if you are above 110 you need to use either custom dungeon finder, use a 120 friend or wait until you are 120. 1. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. 2|Z|Dalaran!Dalaran!Dungeon|N|Portal to Netherlight Temple|ACTIVE|44448|FACTION|Alliance|LVL|110| C In the House of Light and Shadow|QID|44448|M|52. The Conclave is an order of priests whose order hall is a former naaru prison [1] named Netherlight Temple. com Priest: The Alliance portal to Netherlight Temple is located on the second floor of Greyfang's Enclave; as you walk into the enclave, take the flight of stairs on the right-hand side up, then go through the first room up a short flight of stairs to the library. It leads to Netherlight Temple, which is a Draenei temple floating somewhere off of Azeroth. Patch changes [] Patch 7. Vilvaldi. Brother of the Light is a level 45 NPC that can be found in Netherlight Temple and Dalaran. Netherlight Temple. 3 (2016-07-19): Added. The Netherlight Temple in-game clearly has Priests that worship the Void or at least use its power. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. They will replace the Acolytes that spawn from recruitment by Grand Anchorite Gesslar if the advancement Inquisition is chosen. Draenor was said to be on the far side of the Dark Beyond, and to have a red sun. Location Level range Reaction Notes Hunter Rise, Thunder Bluff [63. CryptoSpeak to Archon Torias in Netherlight Temple. and the last. 0 PTR 10. • Monk - Click the Portal to Dalaran, located at 52. Aura is hidden. 0. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. According to the the quest, United as One (the paladin version), the Netherlight Temple is located deep within the Twisting Nether. It's basically a space station, built to contain a darkened naaru. Mind Flay — Inflicts Shadow damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 3 sec. Arathi Highlands is primarily known as a questing zone in Eastern Kingdoms and the location of Arathi Basin, a 15v15 battleground where players fight over resources at five bases. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. Description. 4. Comment by MrVolare Xe'ra is an Illidan fan. Warlocks: from u/timberwolf146 - Warlock's appear in the section where the 'training dummies' are. A choice will pop up. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. Thanks for reading, thanks for any tips/help in advance. Netherlight Temple Quests. They take care of the sick and wounded, while seniors are responsible for training. The question mark would show up in the lower lvl but not the upper lvl. As such, she is both Princess of Ironforge as well as Empress of the Dark Irons. Scouting Maps are also used in Battle for Azeroth in the Great Seal area in Dazar'alor. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. 虚空之光神殿 (Netherlight Temple) 原本是德莱尼为纳鲁所建的一座监狱,目的是囚禁虚空之神 食光者萨拉卡,并用于研究虚空 。教团的牧师将虚空之神食光者萨拉卡重新转化为了圣光生物纳鲁萨拉。在这之后,这座监狱变成了一座神庙,也成为了牧师的职业大厅。The location of this NPC is unknown. In the Interactive Objects category. Hellfire Citadel. I've abandoned the quest. Krasus' Landing, Dalaran; Sanctum of Light: 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde: As part of the Paladin Campaign. Location Netherlight Temple Posts 3,353. Grand Priestess. Just before the invasion of Outland, Illidan Stormrage assaulted the world with. Group Class PvP Raid Dungeon World Event Legendary Escort Heroic Raid (10) Raid (25) Scenario Account Side Quest Artifact World Quest Epic World Quest Elite World Quest Epic Elite World Quest PvP World Quest First Aid World Quest Battle Pet World Quest Blacksmithing World Quest Leatherworking World. I managed to finally get the quest to work after going to my table in my order hall and selecting the next spot to invade on the scouting map. I've looked up what other people have been saying about it and apparently it was first reported about. Affiliation (s) Conclave. The priests Moira Thaurissan and Alonsus Faol have scouted the location of an ancient dagger of. 7 24. Mariella was accepted as an ally and recruited as a champion by the. 4 outside the Temple of Five Dawns, in The Wandering Isle. Wowpedia. Inhabitants [] Hall of Balance [] Quest givers How to Unlock Tomekeeper’s Spire. 0. Holy Fire — Consumes an enemy in Holy flames that cause 100 Holy damage and an additional 6 Holy damage over 8 sec. Patch changes [] Patch 7. Our forces are already waiting on the other side of the portal. See also [] Dark Zealots, the follower version; External links [] Wowhead; WoWDB; Wowhead;This sanctuary MUST be protected at all costs. SL was designed to have 3 patches, so the missing portal would have been for the 9. Location: Windrunner's Sanctuary, Dalaran; Netherlight Temple; Deliverance Point, Broken Shore; Vindicaar: Status: Alive: Hexpriests are jungle trolls located inside the Windrunner's Sanctuary in Dalaran and the Netherlight Temple. Nevertheless, the hall itself seems decidedly themed on balancing the different practices of Priests. Return to Alonsus Faol in Netherlight Temple. At 7:30 p. A Gift of Time Speak with Alonsus Faol. This NPC can be found in Netherlight Temple (7). This NPC is the objective of The Sunken Vault. 8] 30 Alliance Horde: 55 in her first WotLK appearance. 7 in. Can be used while mounted. Netherlight Temple (Priest Class Order Hall) This tome spawns either on the table behind Juvess the Duskwhisperer, or on the table to the left behind the Draenei Anchorite. Learn which class hall upgrades to choose. At its core dwells a slumbering world-soul, the nascent spirit of a titan. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. To obtain Writings of the End, start by speaking with Archivist Inkforge in Netherlight Temple, your class order hall. Netherlight Temple. 2, 48. We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. In the Dreamgrove, players will find the Tome of the Ancients located north of the Circle of Spirits. 1. 虚空之光神殿 (Netherlight Temple) 原本是德莱尼为纳鲁所建的一座监狱,目的是囚禁虚空之神 食光者萨拉卡,并用于研究虚空 。教团的牧师将虚空之神食光者萨拉卡重新转化为了圣光生物纳鲁萨拉。在这之后,这座监狱变成了一座神庙,也成为了牧师的职业大厅。 Comment by tankspank1 I don't know why everyone gives Xe'ra grief. 0. 4 sec cast. Aid Velen with his mysterious task. Explore. After spending much of their lives in temples studying ancient doctrine, preaching the tenets of their faith, and pledging their full devotion to the divine. over the Twisting Nether. who isn't there. Related. Patch changes [] Patch 7. Blood Elf Grand Priests are blood elven priests located in Netherlight Temple. External links [] Wowhead; WoWDB; CategoriesSanctuary of the Void. 5. Brann Bronzebeard is a level 45 Elite NPC that can be found in Azsuna and The Maelstrom. Reaction. Just head to the right at the fork instead of the left, they are surrounding a candle altar. Consecrate the land beneath you to counter a Minion. Patch changes [] Patch 7. Location. The Rumour Tower. Head back to Netherlight temple. Balnazzar later leads an attack against the priests of Netherlight Temple, and the Knights of the Silver Hand arrive to aid the priests in its defense. Comentado por odielag THERE IS A NEW DALARAN AND AN OLD DALARAN! I took the Dalaran portal from Orgrimmar and spent a long time wondering around where the portal should be, then someone let me know that I. 0 unless otherwise noted. 0. Head back to Netherlight temple. A level 45 Quest. Gilner Greymoss lingers within the Sanctuary of the Void, laughing to himself. When the Pantheon arrived, the titans imprisoned the Old Gods deep beneath the earth, before healing and ordering the world,. While they share the same appearance and role as the Paragons in the temple, these npcs are the ones to show up as follower troops in the. out there. Shadow Priests are Forsaken, Dark Iron dwarven, jungle troll, and gnome priests located in Netherlight Temple, on the Broken Shore, and aboard the Vindicaar on Argus . Links. Mage: from u/adoggz - location. Scarlet Monastery. The Altar of Light and Shadow is the artifact forge for priests of the Conclave, situated at the northern end of the Hall of Balance in the Netherlight Temple. According to the the quest, United as One (the paladin version), the Netherlight Temple is located deep within the Twisting Nether. The Altar of Light and Shadow is the artifact forge for priests of the Conclave, situated at the northern end of the Hall of Balance in the Netherlight Temple. Azeroth. Go in the door and turn right. None. [3] The higher rank corresponding to Grand Anchorite . Main Page; All Pages;. 2|Z|Dalaran!Dalaran!Dungeon|N|Portal to Netherlight Temple|ACTIVE|44448|FACTION|Alliance|LVL|110| C In the House of Light and Shadow|QID|44448|M|52. I feel cheated that in the cinematic cut scene it shows you mounted inside Netherlight Temple! Comentario de cephadex This priest-specific quest is a follow-up from the quest The Speaker. Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan (born Moira Bronzebeard) is the daughter of King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and the widow of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan of the Dark Iron clan. In the NPCs category. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. Before The Storm The Gathering In Netherlight Temple, Calia gets acquainted with the ancient naaru S’aara. Always up to date with the latest patch (10. Portal to Netherlight Temple is a World of Warcraft object. This NPC can be found in Dalaran and Netherlight Temple. 2. Me preocupa el destino de los draenei. Status. Location [Return to Top] The Netherlight Crucible can be found at 56, 67 aboard the Vindicaar. Netherlight Spire can be purchased from Meridelle Lightspark in the Netherlight Temple for 100 . The Conclave is an order of priests whose order hall is a former naaru prison [1] named Netherlight Temple. Niskara is a prison world[1] under the control of the Burning Legion. With those tasks accomplished, she then requested to follow the adventurer to Netherlight Temple to beg the Conclave for forgiveness. Posts. The priest player is zoned in to a phased version of Netherlight Temple for this quest. A level 45 Quest. External links [] Wowhead; WoWDB; Categories Categories: Lightspawn; Netherlight Temple NPCs;• Accept the quest, Artifacts Need Artificers, from Alonsus Faol at coords 49. Many blocks and items make. Cast time is hidden. Just wonder if anyone else have this issue. External links [] Wowhead; WoWDB; CategoriesPortal to Netherlight Temple is a World of Warcraft object. Alexandria (/ ˌ æ l ɪ ɡ ˈ z æ n d r i ə,-ˈ z ɑː n-/ AL-ig-ZA(H)N-dree-ə; Arabic: الإسكندرية; Greek: Ἀλεξάνδρεια) is the second largest city in Egypt and the largest city on the Mediterranean. • Turn in the quest to Alonsus Faol. They spent their days stalking the land, procuring artifacts and relics of great power. They also appear in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore. I just completed the whole priest order hall campaign thinking he would appear after, but he’s still missing, and it seems like it started after the update on Tuesday. The quest is kind of buggy. Aura is hidden. Location:According to wowpedia Netherlight Temple is apparently located on a planet called Niskara which is under control by the legion. Draenor, [ˈdɹænɔɹ] called Dawgar ("the Known Earth") by the ogres and Rakshar ("the Sunstone") by the arakkoa, was the homeworld of the orcish race and the last refuge of the draenei before their arrival on Azeroth. The Netherlight Crucible is intended to make Relics more valuable on average, not to make all Relics be equal value. write it to blizzard instead of here. It is upstairs. 6 in the Sanctum of Light. In the NPCs category. Status. Netherlight Temple had zero relevance to me. "Tú no pediste esta carga, pero el destino la ha impuesto". Location: Netherlight Temple: Status: Alive: Paragons are priests of various races located in Netherlight Temple. Relics & the Netherlight Crucible The Netherlight Crucible is a new system. The city's inner fortress has served as the focal point for magi and the study of the arcane throughout human history. Lord Tyrosus is in the center of Dalaran near the portal. Location: Famen Town, Fufeng County, Baoji Prefecture, 120 kilometers west from Xi'an Famen Temple is famous for important Buddhist relics. Rewards Greater Glory of the Order and 1500 Order Resources. Watch your tongue!”. Can be used while sitting. . 1. 3, 57. Reputation. Posts 15,628. Comentario de odielag THERE IS A NEW DALARAN AND AN OLD DALARAN! I took the Dalaran portal from Orgrimmar and spent a long time wondering around where the portal should be, then someone let me know that I. Hall of Balance, Netherlight Temple. Kill Credit ( Kill Credit: Netherlight Temple - Portal) PVP Multiplier: 1. However, it was transformed into a temple after the holy light contributed by a great many priests transformed the void god back into a naaru, Saa'ra. 描述. 1. Alive. Meridelle Lightspark <Logistics> This NPC can be found in. Rewards . Just as Balnazzar begins to summon in more demons, a dreadlord infused with the Light named Lothraxion , High Commander of the Grand Army of the Light arrives , sent by High Exarch Turalyon. In the Objects category. Betild Deepanvil is a Dark Iron dwarf quest giver located at Hall of Balance in Netherlight Temple. The mission board is found in the center with the artifact forge on the northern platform. The quest is kind of buggy. • Paladin - Click on the Portal to Dalaran at 38. 1. 1. He is missing for me too, I tried looking for. does not seem to work. [2] The Legion had been looking for it for ages. Long ago, it was invaded by the Old Gods, eldritch abominations from the Void. ago. I’m confused. You can read an ordered list of campaign quests here . For anyone that wants to revisit this location for any reason, I stumbled upon a similar one in The Maker's Perch in Sholazar Basin. [1] However, despite her help in empowering the High Priest's artifacts, she expresses displeasure at the idea of "messing with" such priceless pieces. Previewing a Relic at the Netherlight Crucible will bind it to your character and remove the ability to trade it. 3, what it is, how it works. According to the the quest, United as One (the paladin version), the Netherlight Temple is located deep within the Twisting Nether. Alive. This NPC can be found in Netherlight Temple. Shadow Word: Pain — Utters a word of darkness, inflicting Shadow damage to an enemy every 3 sec. 8 (Netherlight Temple). The Shadowlands represented in Chronicle Volume 1. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It can only be mined with diamond tools, and a locating Netherite can be a bit difficult. DO NOT send Alonsus Foal on a mission, if you send him on a mission he will NOT be in the netherlight temple when you try to go pick up the quest (yeah hes on an 11 hour mission for me atm) I literally just spent the past 30-45. Kalec's Image Crystal (1) Description You have done a great thing for the blue dragons today, <name>, as well as for my own peace of mind. 2. Bonich is a misty world with a forest of massive conifers surrounding an open meadow, resembling Grizzly Hills. Meridelle Lightspark. After talking to Tyrosus go back to Netherlight Temple and click on the normal portal you use to enter. Affiliation (s) Conclave, Church of the Holy Light, Armies of Legionfall. 6] 10-30 Elite Alliance Horde: Sanctum of Light: 10-45 Normal/Elite Alliance Horde: Niskara; Netherlight Temple: 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde: As part of the Paladin Campaign. Contribute! Grand Priestess of Elune is a level 45 NPC that can be found in Netherlight Temple. If Archivist Inkforge is missing from the Netherlight Temple and you have not yet completed the questline starting with the quest A Falling Star, complete this questline to clear up any phasing issues in your order hall. Torenai the Souleater. It’s described as a place where “Priests of all denominations” come together. Always up to date. External links [] Wowhead; WoWDB;Archivist Inkforge (Netherlight Temple) Still Missing? Basically, one of Discipline's artifact appearances needs you to find a load of books, but you can only start collecting them after you speak to an NPC in the order hall. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. 2) Netherlight Temple could be located at the very edge of Light and Darkness itself. • Travel west to Tyr's Fall to coords 17. 0 PTR 10. Of course. The Rumour Tower. Portal to Netherlight Temple The location of. 0. Spending any amount of time learning about what happened to the Draenei on Draenor also would give some amazing examples of Shadow Wielding Draenei, both. Saa'ra was once transformed into the Void god Saraka the Lighteater before being turned back into a naaru and is the only known example of the void creature transformation being undone, with the exception of the alternate Velen purifying the naaru K'ara in alternate Draenor. World of Warcraft/Legion; Priest (Warcraft series) Featured content for World of Warcraft: Legion List of Class Halls and Artifact Weapons.